The Painting Center is pleased to present an exhibition of new paintings by Kristin Osterberg, Memories: Not My Own. Osterberg sifts through boxes and albums of old photos to find points of departure. Naively, often clumsily shot, they embody a certain authenticity nonetheless. People dimly recalled. Unidentifiable places occupied by siblings, parents, and grandparents. Forgotten childhood events. They’re springboards into an uncanny gallery of familiar and strange, remembered and forgotten, distinct and blurred.
Osterberg’s moody, painterly approach sets itself against the insta-compositions of social media. She edits and reimagines. She leaves faces unclear. She invents color palettes. She picks up on implications beyond the photographer’s intentions. These might be images from any family’s past. Her paintings seem to ask, “Remember this?” and invite the response, “Yes. Maybe.”
Kristin Osterberg lives and works outside New York City. She is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design and has shown in and around the New York area.
For more information in the artist: