L’oiseau présente and Botschaft, both exhibition projects from Berlin are delighted to be hosted at Track 16 Gallery for B-LA CONNECT, the exchange between Berlin and Los Angeles project spaces.
“Letters from Berlin” brings together two artist project spaces from Berlin, mainly abstract positions. Works chosen to be taken across the ocean, to be carried in a suitcase. Like letters or like pictures from the old homeland, across to the foreign country, which you carry with you because they mean a lot to you. Only here it is not memories, but different artistic attitudes and perceptions, independent positions that come together again and are related in a new way.
with Kirstin Arndt, DAG, Thomas Draschan, Manuela Fersen, Frank Maier, Rainer Neumeier, Manfred Peckl, Nicola Staeglich, Anke Völk.