“Where the Form Ends and also Begins” by Jorge Schneider, Solo Show
"Where the Form Ends and also Begins" by  Jorge Schneider, Solo Show
April 7, 2022
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Menduina Schneider Art Gallery
366 West 7th Street, 202, San Pedro CA 90731

Menduina Schneider Art Gallery
“Where the Form Ends and also Begins”
by Jorge Schneider, Solo Show
April 2022
Opening: First Thursday 7th, 6 PM
at Menduina Schneider Art Gallery
366 West 7th Street, San Pedro, CA 90731
Artist’s statement:
There’s form in all shapes. It can be seen everywhere in the Space and Time world that we inhabit. And yet there’s a beginning and an ending too.
Once Time and Space wither away no physical shape remains, only empty space and the void. A void no one has entered, but Physics and Mathematics. And it is there where my search begins, where all forms dissolve and take shape at the same time. I see circles, squares, diagonals, cubes, triangles, lines, etc. as physical examples of that which is ever present in the universe or, why not, in the multiverse theory.
To me circles and other forms are used to convey the beginning and transmutation of Time, its birth and demise, but also its bifurcation. And yet oddly enough, I find forms as mirrors of feelings and emotions. I use circles to portray the ebb and flow of emotions that persists through our existence. We seem to move just like the tide that hides in the oceans. That subconscious that guides our lives is ruled by emotions and feelings best described as forms, generic shapes common to us all.
To dig in the mystery of life one must live all forms behind, go where there’s no form and bring back the interpretation of the matrix from which Space and Time were born.

366 West 7th Street, 202, San Pedro CA 90731

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