Matter Studio Gallery, 5080 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, 90019, is proud to announce the Opening Reception of Alissa Warshaw’s solo exhibition, “Intangible Matter”, on Sunday April 3, 2022 from 4pm to 7pm.
Warshaw, a fine artist based in Los Angeles, was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest which informs a deep resonance of natural mystery in her work. The shimmering metallic blues and grays of Puget Sound, the patterns, colors and textures, the never-ending ebb and flow of the tides all represent home for her. These works are moments – filtering, imagining, encompassing grief and loss yet always reminding us of light and joy. It acknowledges that home lies in our hearts.
Many of the pieces in this exhibition began with her selection of a flower essence, often used for healing purposes. Warshaw allows them to act as a subtle integral part of creation and ritual.
“Having several essence bottles on hand, I intuitively select one before sitting down to work, taking a drop, and then adding a drop (or more) to the water bowl. Pausing for a moment to breathe, to listen, and then commence to begin drawing, taking inspiration from the practice of Ensō, a meditative spiritual drawing practice meant to train the mind using the circle… As a way to quiet my mind. I set my pen to paper at 6pm and begin drawing, circling in a clockwise direction… This is how every one of these drawings begins, continuing until there is a sense of completion. And then I allow for the watercolor to weave its way throughout the lines – finding its way to the interstices, bringing form, color and possibility, watching it move, watching it dry, allowing the buckling of the paper to remain as a reminder of what occurred. I am an observer, a synthesizer, with a deep connection to the intimacy and mystery of the quiet.”
– Alissa Warshaw
For more information please contact Karla Funderburk 323.697.4988 or karla@matterstudiogallery.com