Sky-rocketing gasoline prices accompanied by worries of war in Ukraine even as the planet attempts to turn the pandemic corner is more than enough to hold happiness hostage. However, Sonya Fe’s exhibition “Are You with Me?” at the Riverside Art Museum recaptures the playfulness of childhood youth where every day seems like holiday stay-cation, binge-watching Saturday morning cartoons and humming Sesame Street’s theme song while snacking on a jelly sandwich. In this 21st century, anxiety has become the kryptonite for a memorable childhood; however, Fe’s work courageously honors and affirms youthful human experience emersed in hope.
Her skillful interpretation of the figure in these oil paintings mirrors the Mexican masters: Khalo, Rivera, Orozco and Siqueiros, in a first reading of these works. However, the significant difference is Fe’s conscious choice to focus on children as primary subject matter, aesthetic intentionality celebrating the soul of these little ones.
Even While Sitting, Kids are Kinetic with Energy ( 2018) depicts a girl adorned in an ivory dress with a puzzled yet impatient expression indicating frustration in being still while sitting in a sky-blue and cherry-red chair. The puppies held in each hand with a leash are standing, ready to scurry away. The contrasting hurricane swirl of plants—ranging from popsicle orange to Christmas-tree green—with the momentarily peaceful child suggests that rambunctiousness has a beginning. In fact, similar to Cristina Cárdenas’ Yo Soy/Myself (1996), this depiction of the sitting child reflects Fe’s proficiency at communicating much with simplicity.

Installation view, Sonya Fe “Are You with Me?” at the Riverside Art Museum, 2022.
In Grandpa’s Truth ( 2020), Fe’s versality shines through with a hint of cubism similar to Charles Alston’s Family (1955) in her portrayal of two caramel complexioned children. The young boy is wearing a snowy shirt held in place with coffee-colored suspenders as he proudly holds a book at his side titled Black History. Next to him appears to be his sister in a pearly neutral dress staring as if wanting to greet viewers. The red chair dances compositionally against the pineapple-yellow strokes shaping the room’s wall.
Ultimately, this show contributes to the dialogue surrounding contemporary Chicana and Chicano art. Sonya Fe’s exhibition is a must-see.
Sonya Fe: Are You With Me ?
October 16 2021-May 29, 2022
3425 Mission Inn Avenue
Riverside, CA 92501