Flat World

by | Jul 10, 2015

Not that this hasn’t been done before, the theme of “flatness” explored again and again in all its variations, but in its most recent incarnation at David Kordansky Gallery, artists like Tauba Auerbach transform the static spatial plane that is “flatness” into a magical and luminous field of divine disorientation in this group exhibition organized by Karma, New York. Auerbach’s The New Ambidextrous Universe V, (2014) fairly levitates beyond its own physical presence to embody an entirely new way of seeing and understanding wherein a simple plank of wood is divided into segments, reconstituted and reassembled. The viewer must look two and three times to really comprehend the complexity and beauty of this work. Other artists include Richard Artschwager, Will Boone, Jeff Elrod, Robert Grosvenor, Peter Halley, Lee Lozano, John Mason and Charlotte Posenenske.

“Flat World”
David Kordansky Gallery

5130 W. Edgewood Pl. Los Angeles, CA 90019 
Show runs through August 15, 2015


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