Artist Talk: Judithe Hernández and Patssi Valdez
Artist Talk: Judithe Hernández and Patssi Valdez
October 28, 2017
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Millard Sheets Art Center
1101 W McKinley Ave, Pomona CA 91768

A Conversation About the Journeys: Artists Judithe Hernández and Patssi Valdez discuss their work with Charlene Villaseñor Black Prof. Art History and Chicano/a Studies UCLA.

One Path Two Journeys, an exhibition of PST LA/LA, presents a visual dialogue of their recent and new works. Now through January 28, 2018.

Whether through the brilliant colors and patterns of movement in the work of Valdez or the richly representative pastels of Hernández, visitors will experience the powerful, personal, defiant and intimate in the aesthetic evolution of these two artists.

1101 W McKinley Ave, Pomona CA 91768


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